Have a Fantastic Christmas and an Amazing New Year! – CityBlock

You may not have realised how fast Christmas has snuck up on us but (believe it or not) it’s Christmas Eve! It feels like only yesterday we were welcoming new and returning students into our fantastic student accommodation in Lancaster.

Though many of you may have already returned home for the festive season, there are still many of you who haven’t. We’d like to let you know that, over the holidays, you’re not alone; we’re here, and we’re thinking of you. As such, we’ve worked tirelessly throughout the year to ensure you’re living in the best accommodation we have to offer.

Looking Back on 2015

2015 has been a very successful year for CityBlock. We’ve had the joy of meeting brand new faces in September and have enjoyed getting to know you over the past couple of months. We’ve had the pleasure of housing students through their studies and have wished you all good luck when you’ve graduated.

In order to make your time with CityBlock the best it can be, we’ve gone above and beyond the norm to make you feel as comfortable as possible. We’ve offered you free privilege cards, free arrival packs and sponsorships for your university societies and it’s been amazing to see how much you’ve enjoyed your time with us.

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A Big Thank You to All of Our Tenants!

As we’re heading into 2016 we’d like to say a huge thank you to all of our current and previous tenants. Not only have you helped us make our 2015 very successful, but you’ve also made it one of the most enjoyable years we’ve had. Your input and feedback on our accommodation has helped us improve our services to a quality you deserve. You’ve made us laugh and have kept us on our toes throughout the year.

So now that you’re lounging on the sofa, enjoying some festive treats while you watch a much-loved movie, we’d just like to say thank you for one of the best years we’ve ever had.


What Does 2016 Hold?

For many of you, next year might well be your last in higher education and you may already be looking towards your future after graduation. Whether this is your last year, or whether you have two or three years of education ahead of you, enjoy this holiday of relaxation before you get back into your studies.

As for us, we’re hoping that 2016 brings with it another successful year as well as a few new and familiar faces!

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Before we sign off for the festive holiday, we’d just like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. If you need anything over the winter holiday, don’t forget you can still contact us on 01524 541251.

Posted on December 24th, 2015